Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Featured on WHYY

BuildaBridge’s collaborative partner for the Philadelphia Partnership for Resilience (PPR), Nationalities Service Center (NSC), was interviewed by WHYY Staff about the immigrants with whom they work.  One of the clients interviewed for the piece, which aired Friday, February 14th, discussed her participation in one of the BuildaBridge art-making groups.  Listen to the interview here. The piece regarding NSC and BuildaBrige begins at time marker 16:40.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Philadelphia Inquirer features project

Philadelphia Inquirer writer Michael Matza features one of the sub-projects of the Philadelphia Refugee Mental Health Collaborative - Southeast by Southeast by the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program.  The storefront in South Philadelphia is the same location that BuildaBridge conducts art therapy groups for the Bhutanese and Burmese children.  English as a Second Language classes, sewing lessons and other art groups are also held here.

Check out the article!